crumpets.torch.metrics module

class crumpets.torch.metrics.AccuracyMetric(top_k=1, output_key='output', target_key='label')[source]

Bases: crumpets.torch.metrics.Metric

Computes the top-k accuracy metric for given classification scores, i.e. predicted class probabilities. The metric is computed as {1 if target_i in top_k_predicted_classes_i else 0 for all i in n} / n

  • output_key – the key with which the output is found in the input dictionary

  • target_key – the key with which the target is found in the input dictionary


implement to return the currently stored metric. :return: current metric

class crumpets.torch.metrics.AverageMetric(output_key='output', metric_key='average_metric')[source]

Bases: crumpets.torch.metrics.Metric

Computes a simple average metric for given values inside the output.

  • output_key – the key with which the output is found in the input dictionary

  • metric_key – the key with which the metric is to be stored in the output dictionary


implement to return the currently stored metric. :return: current metric

class crumpets.torch.metrics.AverageValue[source]

Bases: object

class crumpets.torch.metrics.CombinedMetric(children)[source]

Bases: object

A simple meta metric. Given metric instances, returns a collection of them.


children – list of metric class instances

class crumpets.torch.metrics.ConfusionMatrix(nclasses=10, output_key='output', target_key='target_image', metric_key='confusion_matrix')[source]

Bases: crumpets.torch.metrics.Metric

Computes the confusion matrix for given classification scores, i.e. predicted class probabilities.

  • output_key – the key with which the output is found in the input dictionary

  • target_key – the key with which the target is found in the input dictionary

  • metric_key – the key with which the metric is to be stored in the output dictionary


Calculate the true positive and false positive rates per class :return: 2d-array. Cx3 array where the first column corresponds

to the true positives per class, the second column, to the false positives per class and the last one, the number of samples per class in total that have been seen.


implement to return the currently stored metric. :return: current metric

class crumpets.torch.metrics.MSELossMetric(output_key='output', target_key='target_image', metric_key='mse')[source]

Bases: crumpets.torch.metrics.Metric

Computes the mean squared error

  • output_key – the key with which the output is found in the input dictionary

  • target_key – the key with which the target is found in the input dictionary

  • metric_key – the key with which the metric is to be stored in the output dictionary


implement to return the currently stored metric. :return: current metric

class crumpets.torch.metrics.Metric(output_key='output', target_key='target_image', metric_key='metric')[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class which is to be inherited by every metric. As usual, this class is designed to handle crumpets dictionaries.

  • output_key – the key with which the output is found in the input dictionary

  • target_key – the key with which the target is found in the imput dictionary

  • metric_key – the key with which the metric is to be stored in the output dictionary

abstract value()[source]

implement to return the currently stored metric. :return: current metric

class crumpets.torch.metrics.NSSMetric(output_key='output', target_key='target_image', metric_key='nss')[source]

Bases: crumpets.torch.metrics.Metric

Computes the Normalized Scanpath Saliency (NSS) by Bylinskii et. al. (

  • output_key – the key with which the output is found in the input dictionary

  • target_key – the key with which the target is found in the input dictionary

  • metric_key – the key with which the metric is to be stored in the output dictionary


implement to return the currently stored metric. :return: current metric

class crumpets.torch.metrics.NoopMetric(output_key='output', target_key='target_image', metric_key='metric')[source]

Bases: crumpets.torch.metrics.Metric

Provides the same API as a real metric but does nothing. Can be used where some metric-like object is required, but no actual metrics should be calculated.


implement to return the currently stored metric. :return: current metric